Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Quelle Horreur

Quelle Horreur, an exhibition by 4 Illustratrators will open on Sunday the 6th of May 2007, 11am - 4pm, and run till the 28th of May.

The illustrators are:
- Davey Jones
- Ian
- Maximillian
- Abi

The theme of the show is Quelle Horreur, a twist on the traditional Horror theme.

Quelle Horreur

Quelle Horreur, an exhibition by 4 Illustratrators will open on Sunday the 5th of May 2007, 11am - 4pm, and run till the 28th of May.

The illustrators are:
- Davey Jones
- Ian
- Maximillian
- Abi

The theme of the show is Quelle Horreur, a twist on the traditional Horror theme.
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